Monday, October 18, 2010

Senator Crapo learns the Optimist Creed

Notes from Larry Blackburn, Lt. Governor Zone 7

We hosted US Senator Mike Crapo Monday at the Golden Dragon today.  

Another great meeting; Casey Crookham emceed the meeting for us in the absence of Anita and State Senator John McGee introduced Sen Crapo. Sen Crapo is impressed with our creed! 

Not mentioned at the meeting, but so important to all us: Gov Linda Jackson, who did attend Monday's meeting, said our Pacific Northwest District came in third of all districts in OI for membership. She also said it was Idaho that put us "over the top." Great job Linda and everyone else.

Just a quick reminder; NO MEETING WEDNESDAY Oct 20.

Thanks to Casey Crookham for sharing this great picture of Senator Crapo and the Optimist Creed.