Past Saturday, June 12, at the Caldwell YMCA, we helped serve lunch to the HOBY students. Thanks to Veep2 CONNIE ENSIGN who headed up our participation along with BRENDA WHELCHEL, MARY ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH ANZALDUA, FRED “the Plumber” ANZALDUA, the WAYNER and JOE “Mama” SHREVE.
Past Friday morning, June 18, in O’Connor field house, we served breakfast to the Idaho Youth Games (IYG) participants. Thanks to Veep1 ANITA WHELCHEL, the WAYNER, LARRY “rah-rah man” BLACKBURN, FLO BLACKBURN, BOB-A-LOO KAFKA, JOANN KAFKA, CHRIS ALLGOOD and GENE “PC man” BRASSE. If I forgot anyone, just let me know. I might make it up to you.
Program highlights
ANDY McCLUSKEY spoke to us about a new venture he started with former member Whit Jones. In trying to make a small dent in Isreali-Palestinian relations, they have started a company called Two Neighbors to make hand embroidered clothe coffee cup sleeves. Poor Israeli women sew them then poor Palestinian women embroider them. He calls it a social business more so than a wholly economic one. He brought some samples and showed slides of his recent trip to Israel and the West Bank. ANDY says most folks there just want to get along and support their families and would do so if not for the ultra-religious radicals and zealots.
Some More Notes
Veep1 ANITA WHELCHEL gaveled the meeting to order in the absence of Prez LARRY.
NO secret greeter this week. The meeting chair forgot to appoint one.
Again, NO ONE won the BOB-A-LOO deck of cards. Carryover. The pot is now really, really big (over 60 smackers). Darn near worth buying the whole deck!!
June 29: 6:30 pm Evening meeting at the Sunrise in Middleton Program: George Combs of Caldwell Night Rodeo fame
July 7: 7:00 am Board meeting at the Sunrise
July 7: Noon meeting at the Sunrise Program:
July 14: Noon meeting at the Sunrise Program:
July 21: Noon meeting at the Sunrise Program:
July 27: 6:30 pm Evening meeting at the Sunrise in Middleton Program:
A Final Note
Past Prez ROB COLLINS is now a senior at NNU. My how time flies. Seems like just yesterday he graduated from kindergarten, right JANE.